
An Arduino prototype shiled allows you to create your own shield for your projects. All pins are connected through and there's space for soldering on components or connectors.

The Arduino UNO R3 is the most used on the Arduino platform. It is based on the Atmel ATMEGA328 micor controller and has the best support for sorftware librariries in the Arduino develoment environment.

A banana plug and socket are standard sized at 4mm diameter and can handle high currents.

A buck converter drops a voltage from a higher value to a lower value. They are based on a switching mode voltage regulator and very efficient.

An inductive sensor can detect metallic objects without touching them. 


A push button has two contacts that are not connected when the button is not activated. When the button is pressed the two contacts make contact with each other and current can flow. When the button is released, the contact is autmatically removed.

A relay is an electromechanical switch that alows a high power to be controlled using a low power.